Responses about belief-system changes were very balanced, with a third suggesting radical changes and a slightly larger third for no significant changes. Comments suggested changes are possible triggers for conflict. Old beliefs are irrelevant for new needs, but beliefs are necessary for global unity.

Conflicts and Relevance
Ironically, belief systems underlie and even trigger hostilities, conflicts and sometimes wars.
Not only it will survive as it is today, but it will be also one of the key reasons of the global conflict. Czech Republic
Tribalism will increase. Truth will have been replaced by “guided perception”. Indonesia
Religions will become radically different on the verge of fanatic beliefs undermining living in harmony as a species. Our god is better than yours, therefore you must die, will become a mantra by most religions and sects out there. A radicalization of our superstitious beliefs will become the new religions. A European Union staff member
Religions and belief systems are less relevant today than in the past.
Religions and belief will disappear, because even today many are spending time searching more their lives than God. They have no time. Rwanda
Religion will slowly take a back seat and become less and less relevant but therefore have more polarization with the believers. Canada
How will belief systems change? Will science play a role? AI? Awareness of non-human intelligence? The range of visions for 2043 is large. Some believe religions do not suit new needs of today.
Religions will survive as they offer crucial value for human beings’ emotion needs, but definitely not in the form of today. Human beings like new things which fits better the new needs. China
A global universal humanity will prevail. Abrahamic religions will take a back seat as science and connectivity showcase their falsehoods. India
Religions will not disappear but will get a different meaning. The gods of creation will fade away, churches getting emptier. I expect to have science prove the cause of our existence sometime soon, as well as other forms of life out there. People will find something else to believe until proven otherwise. Netherlands
AI will replace religion in some ways I think. Performing ‘miracles’ working in ways humans can’t comprehend and understand. Faith in an Advanced AI might be a thing.
I see religions diminish in impact and hope that some other forms of beliefs will surface that will enable to better respect nature overall. France
More people will seek spirituality. Traditional religions will be diminished. New more eclectic approaches to religion will appear. Brazil
The knowledge that non-human intelligence exists and is here will become widely known, and religions will either appropriate this into their belief systems or reject it and become cult like. Technology advances such as brain implants will also be challenged by religions. United States
Religions have left many people lacking in spiritual satisfaction. The word “spiritual” came up often.
As people know and understand more, religion will become more nuanced. People can no longer be kept stupid or told a story. Religion will still be there, but more from a humanistic approach. Also more respect and attention to differences. Netherlands
I hope organized religion plays less of a role in the future and true spirituality takes over. India
Many humans will reject religious institutions while becoming more sensitive to faith and value systems. They will shift towards a more active role in selecting their value set and enforcing it. However, this will enhance the tensions and reactions with and within traditional cults. United Arab Emirates
Traditional religion, churchgoing is already on the decline and will continue that way, I hope we see a return to the eastern traditions such as Karma. Ireland
Humanity needs belief systems even if they are no longer the same as in the past.
Belief systems will survive and evolve. People need stories and hope. Netherlands
We need our beliefs. People need beliefs. While their names and groupings might change, hopefully with more tolerance. Would be wonderful. Switzerland
I believe religion and spiritual beliefs will play an increasingly important part of our lives. United States
Can belief systems unite people across the world? Can they augment peace?
Because of the male hierarchy of the major religions and the failure of the hierarchies to be helpful in modern life, religions are outdated. My fondest hope is that something like a global brain (Teilhard de Chardin) will emerge once we figure out how to grow beyond filter bubbles. But organized religion as we know it from Christianity, Judaism, Muslim etc. is doomed. United States
I do not believe religion can remain as is .. we will need to come to some form of consensus to unite and move to one world governance .. we need peace first rather than radicals. Australia