You can click on each person to see their page on Imaginize.World with a full length video, a short video, an audio podcast, transcripts and relevant links.
Or you can move directly to the playlist on YouTube: Educating for our children’s futures, not our pasts.
Sugata Mitra and the End of Knowing
Creator of the Hole in the Wall experiment, and SOLE : Self-Organized-Learning Environments. Winner of the TED million-dollar prize to “help me build schools in the cloud where children can explore and learn on their own”. He believes we are educating our children for our pasts, not for their futures.
Wikimedia, essential infrastructure for open knowledge with Florence Devouard
Florence Devouard was the second Chairperson following founder Jimmy Wales. The 2030 mission is to become the essential infrastructure for open knowledge. The challenges: finances, media preferences for audio and video, chatGPT vs the Wikipedia, Russia, closed internet systems in some countries, climate change and more.
Unanticipating our Children’s Futures with David Weinberger
From the Cluetrain Manifesto in 2001, to Everyday Chaos: Technology, Complexity and How We’re Thriving in a New World of Possibility in 2019, his books have helped shape many people’s ideas about technology and how it influences us. He helps us understand the effect of machine learning on business strategy and our lives in general.
Some shorts under 60 seconds