Out of the 200 people who participated in the Future2043 survey, I created two groups, one with the people who believe there will be more jobs in the future and the second with those who believe there will be fewer. We’ll call them the More Jobs group and the Fewer Jobs group. I used the jobs question as an entry point because it affects nearly everyone, then looked at how the two groups differ.
I’ve listed the points of disagreement in descending order of percentage points.
Trust scientists
Will people trust scientists, consider them to be thought leaders? Yes, according to 79% of More Jobs and 63% of Fewer Jobs. A difference of 16 percentage points.
Innovation in health care
Innovation in health care shows a similar optimism: 52% of the More Jobs group believe it will improve compared to only 37% in the Fewer Jobs group. A difference of 15 percentage points.
Wealth distribution
When asked if wealth will be more evenly divided by 2043 or remain as it is today, in the hands of a few, we see a significant difference: 21% of the More Jobs group believe wealth will be more equally spread whereas only 9% of the Fewer Jobs group feel that way. A difference of 12 percentage points.
Will education be different 20 years from now? 67% of More Jobs say yes, 57% of Fewer Jobs agree. A difference of 10 percentage points.
Action: We need to consider how to support the optimistic group while finding meaningful responses to the pessimistic group.
1 – The first group responded on the scale from 1 to 40 (more jobs) and the second on the scale from 60 to 100 (fewer jobs). I did not take answers in the middle range into account, the responses from 41 to 59.
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